International Shipping and Payment

  • All international orders must be prepaid including shipping in advance in US dollars only.
  • Customers are responsible for custom duties and tariffs whenever applicable to their own countries.
  • Our warranty does not cover any international shipping cost. Customers outside USA are responsible for all shipping cost, including returning and receiving products for warranty service.
  • Currently we can conduct business in English only. We are sorry that we are unable to provide other language support.

  • Do you ship to my country?
    Please add the items you want to the shopping cart, then process to Check Out, there is a  drop down window "Country" in Billing Address and Shipping Address.  If your country is on the list, it means we ship to your country.

    If your country is  not in the drop-down menu of available countries, it means  we do not accept orders online from your country at this time. But we may still accept orders  off line if the order amount is over $1000. Please contact us, let us know which products you are going  to buy and how many do you plan to buy, we may quote you prices and shipping if the order is over $1000.

    Payment Methods:

    We accept Bank Wire Transfer as major payment method for international orders. We may also accept PayPal as payment method for small orders  from limited countries.
    • Bank Wire Transfer: We will send you bank wire transfer instructions after receive and verify the your order.
    • PayPal (limited countries and amount)*:  Although we accept PayPal as payment method for international orders from certain countries, your order still  may be rejected if  you have an unconfirmed address with your PayPal account. If this is the case, Bank Wire Transfer will be the only payment method we accept for international customers.
    Credit Cards: Currently,  we only accept credit cards that support AVS (Address Verification Service). The Address Verification System (AVS) is a system used to verify the identity of the person claiming to own the credit card. The system will check the billing address of the credit card provided by the user with the address on file at the credit card company. At present, only a few countries support AVS on Visa and MasterCard, notably the USA, Canada and the United Kingdom. American Express does not support AVS in other countries than the USA. Our order system will decline credit cards that do not support Address Verification Service.

    How much is the shipping charge?

    Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information. Simply add items to  cart, it will bring you to shopping cart page

    There is "Calculate Shipping" function in shopping cart page. This function is for USA addresses only.  For shipping to outside USA,  click "Proceed to Checkout", it will bring you to "Check Out" page. The available shipping methods and rate will show up after  enter shipping  address.

    You will know exact shipping charge  before you confirm and submit the order.

    In case you need to return the purchased products to us, please note that shipping charges are not refundable and  you are also responsible for the cost of shipping returned merchandises back to BiX  International Inc.

    Shipping Methods and Delivery Time:

    We ship international orders through US Post Office, UPS or Fedex. Available shipping methods will be offered during the check out process when you place order online.

    Following are estimated delivery time needed for different shipping methods. Time hold by destination country custom not counted in the estimated days.

  • First Class Mail: 10 ~ 20 business days. Online tracking is not available.
  • Priority Mail: 7 ~ 15 business days. Online tracking is not available.
  • Express Mail, 5~10 Business Days. Online tracking is provided.
  • UPS or Fedex Air Shipping: 2 ~ 5 business days. Online tracking is provided.

  • Please note that online tracking is not available for First Class International Mail or International Priority Mail. If you do not receive your order after 30 days, please let us know immediately. We are sorry that we can not accept any lost package claim after 60 days from shipping date.
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